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Child on Wheelchair

Promoting Healthcare in the Greater Bay Area

The Greater Bay Area Healthcare Association is a non-profit organization registered in Hong Kong. The association aims to promote medical and health services in the Greater Bay Area, and to provide medical and health services to business units and assist in various projects.


Patients Served


Healthcare Professionals


Medical Programs


Clinics in the Greater Bay Area

About GBA Healthcare Association

The Greater Bay Healthcare Association is a non-profit organization registered in Hong Kong  under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. The association aims to promote medical and health services in the Greater Bay Area, and to provide medical and health services to business units and assist in various projects.

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Our Projects

We have several upcoming projects to improve healthcare in the Greater Bay Area, including building new medical facilities and providing medical equipment to clinics in need.

Public Transportation

How You Can Involve

I am sure that all of us here at GBAHA are thrilled that you will be participating here, sharing your thoughts and engaging with other users in the forum.

News & Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from Greater Bay Healthcare Association by subscribing to our newsletter.

Exciting Moments

Our team is composed of experienced healthcare professionals and passionate individuals dedicated to improving healthcare in the Greater Bay Area.

Medicine Boxes

Upcoming Events

  • 「 助 陽 補 益 類 中 成 藥 - 化 學 指 標 成 分 分 析 方 法 」 培 訓 活 動
    「 助 陽 補 益 類 中 成 藥 - 化 學 指 標 成 分 分 析 方 法 」 培 訓 活 動
    Fri, Jan 24
    聯絡電郵(將用作收取 Zoom會議號碼及密碼
    Jan 24, 2025, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
    聯絡電郵(將用作收取 Zoom會議號碼及密碼
    Jan 24, 2025, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
    聯絡電郵(將用作收取 Zoom會議號碼及密碼
    衞生署轄下政府中藥檢測中心研發出一套高通用性的化學指標成分分析方法,能廣泛測試不同配方及劑型的助陽補益類中成藥。 鹿茸、補腎丸等助陽補益類中成藥需經過產品檢測,符合標準才能在本港註冊及出售。由於產品種類繁多、成分不一,藥廠及實驗室需要為每款產品「度身訂造」不同檢測方法。

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